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"Living for You, Lord"
If you enjoy the sound of the pipe organ, are fascinated by the sound of English handbells or appreciate sacred music, you may be interested in a new CD, “Living for you, Lord; Sacred Songs of Susan Clambey”. In addition to hymn arrangements, there are several original vocal compositions and a variety of instrumental descants. Tonal colors added include flute, violin, cello, clarinet, horn and trumpet. Hopefully you will find the 56 minutes of music a worshipful experience.

The following pieces are included:

  2. Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above
  3. Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Me 
  4. Prayer to the Lord
  5. Take My Life, and Let It Be 
  6. Children Come to the Heavenly King
  7. Joy Song 
  8. Praise to the Lord
  9. The King of Love My Shepherd Is 
  10. The Lord’s Prayer
  11. Beautiful Savior 
  12. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
  13. God’s Great Gift, to You and Me 
  14. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
  15. Sweet Hour of Prayer 
  16. Rondeau a la Carillon
  17. A Mighty Fortress is Our God 
  18. Kum ba Yah
  19. Rejoice Always, Pray Constantly 
  20. Thine is the Glory
  21. Always Ringing Praises 
  22. Jesus is The Way
  23. Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling 
  24. Abide with Me
  25. Tranquility, Serenity



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